Snoring: Ears, Nose and Throat Fact or Fiction Quiz
Snoring A person can be trained or conditioned not to snore. Fiction! Unfortunately, you have no conscious control over snoring. More than 300 devices are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as cures for snoring, including head straps, neck collars and mouth pieces. If these devices work, it is probably because they keep…
Don’t Ignore Your Snore Anymore
Feeling tired and don’t know why? Maybe it’s because you’ve been snoring. Yes, you! It may not be your spouse’s snoring that’s keeping you up. Maybe it’s your own. Dr. Ted Benke who is an otolaryngologist—more commonly referred to as an ENT or ear, nose and throat doctor, says snoring is an indication of obstructed…
Check Those Tonsils!
Chronic infectious tonsillitis, sinusitis, snoring, behavior problems, breathing problems, bed wetting. Who would have thought that tonsils—those two masses of tissue at the back of the throat—could be the cause of so many problems? Dr. Ted Benke would. That’s because Dr. Benke is a board certified otolaryngologist, a physician specializing in conditions of the ear,…