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Ringing in the New Year?
If you’re one of the 36 million Americans who suffer from annoying ringing in the ears, you might be suffering from tinnitus or abnormal ear noise.
Get a Free Hearing Screening at Benke ENT During Open House
If you’ve been putting off having a hearing test, Benke ENT is giving you a good reason not to put it off any longer.
10 Years of Dizziness Cured in 10 Minutes
Cleburne resident Garland Hunt had been walking into walls for 10 years, suffering from severe dizziness. But he had been walking into walls figuratively, too, as he sought help from doctor after doctor to no avail.
Benke Ear, Nose & Throat moving to new Cleburne location
Dr. Ted Benke is on the move. But not just him. His whole medical practice is moving. The medical ENT practice he opened in October 2000 after retiring from the Air Force will be moving to a new location later this month.
Benke Ear, Nose & Throat Opens New Hearing & Balance Center
If your hearing isn’t as good as it once was, you may be thinking of getting a hearing aid. But with all the different choices of assistive listening devices on the market today, where do you go to find out what’s right for you?
Benke Ear, Nose & Throat Welcomes new Doctor of Audiology
Lots of exciting things are happening at Benke Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic in Cleburne. Construction on their brand new building, located next to Dr. Michael Glover, has been going on all summer and they will be relocating late this year. But there’s more.
Benke ENT Taking Appointments
Have you ever been with family or friends, listening to a story or laughing at a joke—only to miss the punch line because you can’t hear as well as you used to. Benke Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic wants to help you change that so you can join in the conversation like you used to.
Beware of the Q-tip
If you’re like many people, after your shower you reach for a Q-tip to dry your ears. But did you know that simple practice could cause the wax in your ears to get impacted? It can.
Can’t Hear as Well as You Used To?
The painless process of hearing loss develops gradually over a period of years, and that’s why sometimes the last person to realize the problem is the person suffering from it.
Check Those Tonsils!
Chronic infectious tonsillitis, sinusitis, snoring, behavior problems, breathing problems, bed wetting.
Cosmetic Plastic and Reconstructive Skin Cancer Surgery
Whoever said too much of a good thing can be a bad thing probably wasn’t talking about the hot Texas sun, but ear, nose and throat surgeon Dr. Ted Benke, said he could have been.
Delta Hearing Device
Dr. Ted Benke of Benke Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic is proud to announce the introduction of the new Delta hearing device.
Is it cold or sinus? Dr. Benke knows the nose
If you’ve ever had a cold or allergy attack that just wouldn’t go away, there’s a good chance you may have actually had sinusitis. Over 37 million people get it each year, making it one of the most common health conditions in America, but how do you know you have it, and how do you get relief? Just ask Dr. Benke; he knows the nose.
Do Noses Run in Your Family?
If you’ve suffered with allergies for years but have put off treatment and opted instead for over-the-counter remedies, it’s time to get serious about treating your allergies.
Don’t Ignore Your Snore Anymore
Feeling tired and don’t know why? Maybe it’s because you’ve been snoring. Yes, you! It may not be your spouse’s snoring that’s keeping you up. Maybe it’s your own.
Dr. Benke’s Otomobile Brings Mobile Hearing Screenings to Area Businesses
When Dr. Ted Benke received a call four years ago from Barbara Rose, Human Resource Director of then Ponderosa Pine Energy, now Brazos Electric, asking if he did mobile hearing screening for companies, his answer was, “not currently.”
Dr. Ted Benke Happy to Call Cleburne Home
From his earliest days as an altar boy, Eagle Scout and later as a student at Jesuit High School in Dallas, Dr. Ted Benke was always comfortable in uniform. So it was only natural that after graduating from Baylor with a degree in biology, he’d accept an Air Force scholarship to attend medical school in return for a few years of service.
Get Serious About Treating Your Allergies
Do noses run in your family? Then, get serious about treating your allergies by calling an ENT allergy specialist right here in Cleburne.
Lump in Your Throat? You Could Have Acid Reflux
If you feel a lump in your throat and you’re not crying, you may be like Cleburne resident Jan Swanson. She had the annoying feeling of having a lump in her throat for months before she sought help.
Relief for Chronic Stuffy Noses Without Medications
If you’re one of the millions of people who suffers from allergies or similar conditions, you know the frustration of not being able to breathe properly because of a stuffy nose. It can also be frustrating because some medicines offer only temporary relief.
Sun-related Skin Cancer on the Rise
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, affecting over 1 million people this year in the US alone. It is the number one cause of cancer deaths in women aged 25-30 but can target anyone.
Warm Weather Means More Cases of Swimmer’s Ears
As more and more people hit the beach or pool in an attempt to stay cool this summer, they may get an earful—of water, that is. And that earful just may cause swimmer’s ear. But Dr. Ted Benke of Benke Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic has some tips and a home remedy to help.